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发表于 2016-5-5 17:23:29 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


Building Tate's Friendships


People are so amazed that my son withautism has friends and I get that. I marvel at it myself. The very descriptionof autism is about as far from the word “friend” as a person can get. Wordslike: aloof, detached, and indifferent, are descriptive of autism, right? Sohow can a kid with autism have a friend or be a friend?


Beloware the components that were used to create the friendships Tate has. This maynot work for everyone with autism but these are the things we did.

以下是Tate交朋友中关键的因素 。这可能不适用于每个自闭症患者,但我们是这样做的。

Inclusion: Tatewas in the classroom with typically developing peers for most of his day ingrade school. His peers became very familiar with his behaviors and his needs.In Junior High Tate spends a lot more of his day in an individualized educationsetting because he works at a much lower grade level than his peers. However,the relationships developed in grade school are still being nurtured often invarious settings.


Education: This one isHUGE. We never hid Tate’s diagnosis from his peers or their parents. When Tatedid things that seemed odd the kids could ask questions and they were given ageappropriate information. I asked Tate’s teachers to read books about childrenwith autism with their class. When people are given correct information andeducated they are not left to come up with their own version of the truth. Tatewas never thought of as “weird” because his classmates and their parents wereeducated about autism.


SocialSkills Coaching: Tate had full support at school. An adultwas constantly giving Tate instruction in social skills. On occasion, membersof Tate’s IEP team would suggest Tate did not need support on the playgroundbut instead needed free time (which would have been used by Tate to pace aloneand stim). I insisted the playground was a crucial time for him to receivecoaching. This playground coaching played a large part in developingfriendships. Tate was pushed to play with peers and peers were encouraged toinclude him in games and to give him support themselves. The Paraprofessionalwas able to stand back and watch as the other children engaged Tate in playsometimes.


LunchBuddies and Other Social Skills Programs: We had organized social skills programs for Tate. The speech teachercame into Tate’s classroom twice a week in the early grades and organized boardgames and other activities for Tate and a few peers to engage in together. Shecoached the peers on how best to interact with Tate while she was coaching Tateon how to behave appropriately. We started a lunch buddy program in secondgrade and it was invaluable. Today, social skills are still a part of Tate’sdaily education.


An Advocate: Many ofthe programs and supports Tate needed to develop friendships would not havebeen put in place had we not hired an advocate. She occasionally observed Tateat school, made recommendations, and always came to our IEP meetings. Ouradvocate was more knowledgeable about autism and the law than many of our IEPteam members. She could often provide data to support her reasoning and sherequested and received things for Tate that I had never thought to ask for. Anadvocate is very expensive but ours was worth every penny. Note: If youcannot afford an advocate my advice would be to get a Wright’s Law Book andstudy.


Willing Peers: Withoutkind, willing peers Tate could not have friends. We had willing peers withcompassionate parents who allowed their children to be pulled from otheractivities occasionally to be peer models for Tate.


Teachers Who Were Vested: We havehad some rock star teachers involved over the years. Not every teacher waswilling to work hard or believed in what we were doing but most did. The speechteachers have usually been the ones to drive the lunch buddy program for us butothers have helped too. Tate’s Paraprofessionals had to shoulder the majorityof the responsibility much of the time as they are the ones who spend the mosttime with Tate. They reinforced all the social skills lessons into all aspectsof Tate’s day. Without all these hard-working adults we would not have gottenfar.


Parents Willing To Work: No one’s involvement is more important than theparent. We badgered administrators and teachers for programs we thought reallymattered and we were not afraid to ask for things they had never done before.We paid for an advocate. We provided books about autism and social skills toteachers. I dropped donuts off at the school occasionally for the studentsparticipating in the lunch buddy program. I volunteered at the school and triedto keep an eye on Tate and his progress from the sidelines. I had to investtime in getting to know other parents. Other parents were not going to bewilling to allow their children to have play dates with mine if they barelyknew me. I had to “borrow” their kids after school occasionally and go to thepark or get ice cream. And during those times I was the social skills coach.Early on Tate was not thrilled when I arranged play dates but I did it anyway.


Patience: It did not happen over night. Tate was in class withsome of these kids for four years before he could tell them apart or remembertheir names. It took ages for Tate to develop reciprocal relationships withthese kids and it took a lot of hard work. Tate had to be taught really basicsocial skills and those had to be reinforced for years. His peers had to beeducated about autism and the adults in Tate’s life had to utilize everyopportunity they could find to work on social skills. At the beginning a lot ofTate’s relationships were very one-sided. The peers were nice to him but he wasnot interested in them. We did not give up. I can honestly say that Tate hasfriends his own age now. He is able to actively participate in friendship. Idid not know if we would ever get here but we have.


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翻译:Greta     梦缘*    结冰的女孩儿   

复核:刘玘     Rexx     祚同

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