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发表于 2016-5-4 17:33:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Why Do Kids with Autism DoThat?


When my kids were young,my son Justin was quite curious about the many odd mannerisms his sister withautism demonstrated. We welcomed his questions as well as those from hiscurious neighborhood friends who we were determined to include in our friendlyand oh-so-unconventional home. I did my parental best to offer up ideas as towhy she does what she does, and thankfully they didn’t question me or ask tosee the evidence behind my hypotheses. We asked a panel of providers to give ustheir best answers as to why our kids do what they do. Shelley O’Donnell is anOccupational Therapist specializing in children with autism at Seattle TherapyServices. Jim Mancini is a Speech Language Pathologist and Emily Rastall is aClinical Psychologist, both at Seattle Children’s Autism Center.

我儿子Justin小时候对患自闭症的姐姐的一些奇怪行为很好奇。我们欢迎他和他住在附近的朋友们提问。我尽力向他们解释她为什么要这么做,他们也没有继续追问或索求我支持假设的证据。我们邀请了一些嘉宾来解答这些问题。Shelley O’Donnell在西雅图治疗中心做职能治疗师,专注于自闭症儿童的治疗。Jim Mancini是一位语言病理学家,Emily Rastall是临床心理咨询师,两人都在西雅图儿童自闭症中心工作。

Here’s what they had tosay:


Why do many kids withautism . . . Avoid eye contact


Jim: Different reasons,I think. There is a difference between kids who actively avoid eye contact andkids who haven’t learned how to use eye contact during communication. Foractive avoiders, I think there is a sensory component where it is unpleasantfor them to make direct eye to eye contact.


Emily: One of the coredeficits for individuals with autism is difficulty coordinating verbal andnon-verbal means of communication. For example, while speaking to someone, achild may forget to make eye contact (which makes it difficult to know to whomthe verbalization is directed). In addition, individuals with autism do notfind communicative meaning in others’ eyes like the rest of us. Thus, they arenot drawn to others’ eyes as information sources.


Shelley: Because ofdifficulty attaching meaning to the facial cues of caregivers and peers whichrelates to the child’s social-communication skills.


Why do many kids withautism . . . Cover their eyes/face /ears with their hands


Shelley: This couldrelate to many things, such as the child covering their face as a way to blockout too much sensory stimuli, to self-regulate, or to express feelingscared/anxious. Many children with autism have auditory sensitivities tospecific sounds, such as a fire engine, baby crying, or toilet flushing.Covering their ears is one way to lessen the auditory input.


Emily: Children withautism are often hyper-sensitive to auditory stimuli. Thus, sounds that aretolerable to us may be very loud and uncomfortable for them.


Jim: Covering ears canoften become a learned behavior and may be linked to anxiety as a child becomesfearful of potential unpleasant noises.


Why do many kids withautism . . . Startle easily


Shelley: The child mayhave difficulty anticipating everyday events, and filtering irrelevant socialand environmental stimuli. When children startle easily, the result isfrequently a “fight or flight” response.


Emily: It may besensitivity to their environments. A sound that we could tolerate may bestartling to someone who is more sensitive to auditory input than others.


Why do many kids withautism . . .Echo/repeat words/phrases


Emily: One of theprimary communication deficits in autism is the tendency to echo or repeatwords or phrases that are heard in one’s environment. Because the brain’s“language center” has difficulty coming up with language on its own, it copieswhat it hears from the world around it and uses it in place of original wordsand sentences of its own. It’s sort of like a Rolodex of phrases that theperson pulls from at any given time in the day.


Jim: Repeating words, orecholalia, is a common learning style for children with autism. Children with autismoften learn language in chunks rather than creatively word by word. Inaddition, repeating words and phrases often serves a communicative purpose suchas saying “yes” or helping with processing of information.


Shelley: Echolalia mayrelate to the child with autism having difficulty using more complex andspontaneous language. Echolalia can be a developmental phase and working alongsidea SLP is very helpful to identify intervention strategies. As children developmore language, they may repeat phrases (e.g., from a movie) as a socialinitiation, or may learn to ask the same questions during conversation whichhelps make the interaction more predictable.


Why do many kids withautism . . .Not talk at all


Jim: Talking orexpressive language development requires understanding and use of symbols.Words, after all, are simply symbols for things, actions, and concepts.Sometimes children with autism lack or have significant delays in that ability.Children with difficulty with symbolic representation often have difficultywith understanding of language and use of other communication systems (e.g.sign language, Picture Exchange Communication System). Sometimes, childrendemonstrate the ability to understand language but have difficulty puttingsounds together to form words. This can be a result of a motor speech disordersuch as apraxia of speech.


Shelley: It’s difficultto know why some children with autism do not talk or express themselvesverbally. If possible, accessing alternative methods of communication, such asusing gestures, pictures, typing, or a voice-output device is an important partof their social development.


Why do many kids withautism . . .Walk on their toes


Shelley: Toe-walking?This is a good question. Toe-walking may be a learned habit (many toddlers walkon their toes), or may relate to motor coordination challenges, a tightAchilles tendon, or a sensory processing difference. Toe-walking is also seenwith other neurological or developmental disorders, such as cerebral palsy.


Emily: Children withautism often present with stereotyped motor movements, one of which may bewalking on their tip-toes. Others hypothesize that walking on toes reducesoverstimulation in the feet that can occur as a result of walking on the entirefoot.


Why do many kids withautism . . . Flap their hands?


Shelley: Children withautism tend to have repetitive motor behaviors such as waving or flapping theirhands. This arm and hand motion may be accompanied with other motor mannerisms,such as jumping or head turning.


Jim: Repetitive motormannerisms, such as flapping hands (but also tensing parts of their body,jumping or “dancing”) are often linked to strong emotions (such as excitementor frustration). We see similar behavior in babies who eventually “grow out” ofthe behavior.


Emily: These may also beself-soothing behaviors and/or attempts at regulating when what is perceived asoverwhelming upset/excitement/boredom/anxiety is present.


Why do many kids withautism . . . Like to spin and jump?


Shelley: Spinning andjumping are also examples of repetitive motor behaviors. When a child isspinning or jumping he/she is activating the vestibular system. The child mayseek vestibular stimulation as a means to elicit “feel good” sensations and/oralso to positively affect his/her arousal.


Emily: Yes, in otherwords, many children with autism seek sensory information or experiences fromthe environment (due to feeling under-stimulated). They may also use spinningand jumping as a way of regulating themselves (i.e.: when they are stressed,anxious, or overwhelmed). Spinning and jumping can help one feel regulated and “grounded.”


Why do many kids withautism . . . Have difficulty sitting still?


Shelley: The child mayhave sensory-motor challenges, or may have difficulty with attending behaviors.


Emily: It is notuncommon for individuals with autism to present with hyperactivity and“fidgety” behavior. This is related to an executive functioning deficit thatleads to difficulty regulating and planning behaviors and resisting impulses.


Why do many kids withautism . . .Fixate on certain things (such as little things – tiny photo on abig page of a book or wheel of a big toy car)


Shelley: When we thinkabout it developmentally, children look at objects that are visually pleasing –such as rotating objects (fans, wheels, pinwheels). Fixating on certain thingscould also relate to visual processing, such as seeing the components ofobjects rather than the “whole” object, or perhaps the child has difficultyexpanding play with toys and engages in repetitive play.


Emily: Individuals withautism tend to have brains that think about things over and over. They mayfixate on things that they find enjoyable or may get “stuck” trying to finish atask or game. A brain affected by autism tends to be more rigid and “black andwhite”. So it is hard to be flexible with a number of interests and ways ofthinking about things.


Why do many kids withautism . . .Not seem to need much sleep


Shelley: I wish I knew(and so do a lot of parents)!

Shelly: 我也想知道这个问题的答案(很多家长也这样想)!

Jim and Emily didn’thazard a guess on the sleep issue.


Lynn (whose child hasbeen up since 3:30 this morning): Rats! This is the one question I most wantedan answer to!


Why do many kids withautism . . .Stare into space


Shelley: Some childrendon’t realize they are staring – but may be “tuning out” what is overwhelmingthem or daydreaming about preferred interests. If the behavior is concerning,parents should consult with their pediatrician.


Emily: Individuals withautism are often very detail-oriented. Thus, they may notice details in theenvironment that we do not, and may get fixated on those details (thus,blocking all else out of their attention span and appearing to be “spacedout”).


Why do many kids withautism . . .Have trouble with transitions


Emily: This relates tothe way a brain affected by autism works – being less flexible than otherbrains. When it is fixated on something that it finds enjoyable, it has a hardtime “flexing” to allow for new tasks or information to come in. It needs timeand many reminders to switch to a new topic.


We’d like to thank ourproviders for taking a stab at answering some of the more perplexing questionsabout why kids with autism do some of the things they do. This may help thoseof us who love someone with autism to describe and explain our kids’ behaviorand allow others to understand them better.


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翻译:小太阳  Greta  梦缘  祚同

复核:MONOのcaicai    刘玘   Rexx  


发表于 2016-5-24 15:39:58 | 显示全部楼层
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