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发表于 2016-4-9 12:54:04 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

来源:https://www.autismspeaks.org/sit ... vices/schlosser.pdf

Ten Strategies for Traveling with aChild with Autism or How Do We Survive the Trip?  (3)


Flushablewipes are a necessity for Monica, mother of two and one with autism. “Not onlyfor cleaning sticky fingers but also indispensable for a child not pottytrained. We also take a vinyl pad to place under hotel bed sheets and even moreimportant, under Grandma’s bed sheets.”


Monicakeeps her child calm in the car with a variety of library CD’s. “A stack ofCD’s keeps him happy and we don’t go out of our mind listening to the same oneover and over,” she explains. She also keeps a backpack in the trunk filledwith Magnadoodles, suckers and Smartees. “For those tricky moments when you arewaiting for food to arrive at the inevitable restaurant stops. Crayons and theback of a menu don’t always work.”


Drivingat night is the key for Lisa, mother of two and one with autism. “We leave atmidnight so the bulk of the drive is quiet.” She also packs sensory toys suchas vibrating beanbags, weighted toys or teethers to help her child remain calm.“Of course, the DVD is essential. I plan out a portion of the trip dedicated tothe DVD player and use those CD over the visor storage units. Saves room. Wealso use headphones. You need to keep Mom and Dad sane as well.”


Marlohas also taken the nighttime drive with her children sleeping quietly in theback. “These past few years it just hasn’t worked as well. The first day issuch a killer for the parents and the children are manic to start vacation. Nowwe start very early with the children still sleeping so some of the trip isquiet.”


Inthe past I have paired my older daughters with my son on a rotating basis. Ifthey limit their time with him, and each other, fewer fights break out. At eachrest room stop we look like a fire drill as the children all rotate seats inthe car.


Icompiled the advice and evaluated the advice. Nighttime driving was not anoption for this trip. We did decide to start out after dinner with the hopesthat the children would fall asleep. It worked partially. My middle child fellsleep and we couldn’t wake her to trade seats. After ten o’clock myfive-year-old son fell asleep drooling on his fourteen year old sister’sshoulder.


Theactivities packets worked very well for the trip there. They didn’t work on thetrip home. My son kept asking repeatedly for his ‘new’ toys. We almost had amelt down on Highway 80. My daughters averted the crisis by sharing their toyswith him. My daughters loved their gift bags and enjoyed them thoroughly. Myson enjoyed the inexpensive dollar store items more. I carefully selected itemsthat did not propel, launch, pop or crack. We didn’t want Dad to worry aboutgunfire or blown tires.


Irented several CD’s from the library. I selected movie soundtracks they enjoyedas well as sing-along CD’s of pop songs. We enjoyed those for a few hours. Myhusband even joined in much to our surprise and then dismay. We all laughedloudly when Mom and Dad couldn’t keep up with the pop song words.


Evenif you have tantrums, melt downs, odd behavior and the like, ask yourself “Whocares?” What does it matter? This isn’t about the strangers around you butabout you. Focus on the good time together such as the waitress who mixed upyour order and how funny that was no that some of the food was cold. Mentalattitude is half the battle.


Ourfirst vacation with my son was a struggle. We booked a suite for spring breakat a mountainous state park resort so my husband could nearby. Unfortunately,the hotel was under construction and very loud. We asked to be moved to acabin. Within 12 hours, we experienced a freak snowstorm. I was stuck in asmall cabin with three children for three days without winter weather apparel,television, toys or car. My son was completely out of his element and routine.Creativity was my savior. I was completely unprepared. I remembered that what Ienjoyed most about vacation was the slow speed and time together. I gambledthat my autistic son would as well. We played paper basketball with the garbagecan. We had sliding competitions down the hallway. The list goes on. While Iremember that as a stressful time, my children really enjoyed the week.


I wasvery afraid to go on vacation again. In fact, the first camping trip of thesummer was a rainout. We were confined to a small camper during severethunderstorms. Learning from spring break, we created games in the limitedspace having a wonderful time. I learned that slowing down is the greatest preparation.Most importantly, just go. As you go, you will develop your coping mechanismsthat work for you. Probably more than I can list here in these articles. Youare a competent person who can take of your children and still have a goodtime!






Startout slow. Work your way up. Take your time. One small step. All of thesecolloquialisms have the same meaning. Before you take that whole week away, trya day trip first.


Imentioned in strategy eight that you will develop your own arsenal of copingtechniques. This is the method to help you start.


Beforeyou pack your bags for day, think about what you like to do. Visit a zoo, pool,local park, nearby state park/nature reserve, amusement park and more. Selectone that best suits your individual interests. Make sure that the drive isn’ttoo far and keeping in the one-day theme. Or one tank trip if you wish.


Keepthe budget small. If you make the trip economical and it goes horribly wrongyou won’t feel double the guilt. You may just want to plan a trip to an outletmall and walk the stores. Don’t take any money – just enough for lunch. Andwalk the stores. You will gain an idea of what you need away to help yourchild. While keeping your money close.


Leavesomething in the car. Daytrips are usually easy to plan. Yet you can still overpack. So keep something in the car. While you are walking the zoo or hiking thewoods, keep most of what you brought in the car. Only take the essentials withyou. This keeps your hands free and the focus on your family. You learn what isreally important to take as well. Valuable information for those further tripsabroad.


Takethe whole family. Everyone needs to go with you. You need to learn to cope as aunit with your autistic child. Not just parent and child. All of you. Thesooner the better for you and your children.


Makea list. When you return home make a list of what worked and what didn’t. Keep afile or notebook on your experiences. The list will come handy when you areready to venture further a field.


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翻译:Greta                    复核:刘玘-67   

翻译:MONOのcaicai    复核:小太阳   


发表于 2016-5-24 16:16:04 | 显示全部楼层
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