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发表于 2016-3-23 16:35:19 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 自闭症新闻 于 2016-3-24 20:01 编辑

Physical Discipline &Autism: A Parent Asks for Guidance

Friday, August 15, 2014

“When I physicallydiscipline my 6-year-old son [who has autism], he starts to hit himself. ShouldI use physical discipline? Do I just let him hit himself?”

Today’s “GotQuestions?” answer is by psychologist, of the Kelly O’Leary Center for AutismSpectrum Disorders at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center. The centeris part of the Autism Speaks Autism Treatment Network.
今天“提问时间?”由来自辛辛那提儿童医院医疗中心的Kelly O’Leary自闭症中心的心理学家Stephanie Weber提供回答。这个中心是“自闭症之声”联盟成员之一。

Thank you for your question. You raise an important topicthat many families deal with on a regular basis.

The short answer to your first question is “no,” physicaldiscipline is not a good approach – particularly for a child on the autismspectrum. I’m glad to provide a longer answer to the question of why we don’trecommend physical discipline to address problem behaviors.

First, I understand why some families use physicaldiscipline. After all, it often makes the behavior stop – and quickly. Sophysical discipline can feel like a quick fix. However, it isn’t a long-termsolution to your concerns about your child’s behavior. Why?

To start, it doesn’t teach your child how you want him tobehave. For example, if you want your child to stop running down the hallway athome, you could say, “Don’t run.” Unfortunately, your child still may notunderstand what you want. However, if you tell him, “walk in the house,” youare communicating what you expect. Along these lines, physical disciplinequickly conveys the message “don’t,” but fails to help direct your child towardthe right behavior.

The importance of modeling behavior

Another important way children learn behavior is throughimitation. To put it another way, “modeling” is a powerful way to teachchildren how to behave. The danger, when you use physical discipline, is thatyou may be modeling that it’s okay for your child to physically disciplineothers – or himself.

Addressing self-injury

You also ask how to handle your son’s reaction to physicaldiscipline – hitting himself. Certainly, we don’t want him to hurt himself.

Whenever I talk about self-harm behaviors with families, myfirst priority is safety. If your child is leaving bruises or making himselfbleed, it’s very important to discuss your concerns with physician orpsychologist. If you feel that your child may seriously harm himself or someoneelse, don’t delay! Call 9-1-1 or take him for an evaluation at the nearestemergency department.

If there’s no danger of serious self-harm, I suggest workingwith a behavioral specialist to determine why your son is hitting himself.

All behaviors have underlying reasons. Just as we makedinner because we’re hungry, a child misbehaves for a reason. One common reasonis to communicate. This motivation is particularly common among those who havetrouble communicating with words – which is true of many individuals who haveautism.

Five common issues with self-injury

Generally, we see five main motivations behind problembehaviors such as self-injury:
大体上来说, 我们看到类似自我伤害的行为问背后主要有五个主要动机。

First, some children have painful medical issues such as atoothache or headache that cause them to hit themselves to mask or soothe thepain. I suggest you talk with your child’s doctor if you suspect this may becontributing to your child’s behavior.

Second, a child may be acting out to “escape” a distressingsituation or avoid a task or chore.

Third, individuals with autism sometimes strike themselvesas a way to get another person’s attention.

Fourth, an individual may use a distressing behavior to getsomething he or she wants – be it a food, toy or other item.
第四,可能有些人表现出压抑的行为以此来获得他(她)想要的东西——可能是食物, 玩具或者其他的事物。

The behavior may be a broader attempt to self-stimulate orself-soothe. Rocking is a classic example of a self-soothing, repetitivebehavior common among children and adults who have autism. Your son’s hittinghimself may fall in this category of behaviors.

Finally, as mentioned above, your son may be imitating yourphysical discipline when he hits himself.
最后,就如上面提到的一样, 你的孩子出现自我伤害的行为可能也是在模仿你体罚他时的行为。

Once you and your child’s therapist understand why yourchild is hitting himself, you can work together to find solutions and moreappropriate “replacement” behaviors.

For instance, if the underlying reason is "escape,"then I recommend teaching him a better way to ask or signal his need for abreak. If your son’s behavior is a way to get something tangible, I suggestteaching him waiting skills. We often do this with visual supports, like a"First/Then” picture board. The first picture shows the task he mustcomplete before receiving what he wants – as shown in the second picture. (Moreon working with visual supports below.)

Building on positive behaviors

A more-positive approach can help you address both the challengingbehaviors that led you to use physical discipline and your son’s subsequenthabit of hitting himself. I suggest starting by building on the constructivebehaviors your child shows. For example, praise him, give him a high-five orsome other positive reinforcement when he “keeps nice hands” and doesn’t hithimself when frustrated.

Also look for more-positive ways to show your son what youwant him to do. Visual supports can help you convey what you expect of him. Theuse of a visual schedule, for example, can be helpful to let your child knowwhen things will happen in his day. The Autism Speaks ATN/AIR-P tool kit VisualSupports and ASD can help. Download it free of charge here.

Token boards are another example of a visual tool forcommunicating what your son needs to do to earn something he wants. A tokenboard (photo below) includes a picture of the “reward” with tokens that can beearned for each task completed toward the goal. Once all tasks are completed,the child receives the item in the picture. I suggest customizing the rewardsto your child’s interests. You can have fun with the tokens as well. I know onefamily that used pictures of their child’s favorite action hero as the tokens.

I also recommend the Autism Speaks ChallengingBehaviors Tool Kit, available for free download here. This tool kit is full ofpractical strategies for encouraging positive behavior and teaching replacementbehaviors.

By making the change from physical discipline to positivereinforcement, I think you will see many improvements in your child’s behavior.Please let us know how you’re doing with a note belowor by emailing GotQuestions@autismspeaks.org.

对本文的特别申明: 文中红色部分没有翻译。由于我们的医学专业知识和翻译水平有限,译文可能会有瑕疵,欢迎大家提出宝贵的意见和建议,以便帮助豆苗计划翻译小组更好地开展工作。
翻译:梦缘        Smiley     
复核:Rexx       牛         


转自:新浪微博 @ 豆苗计划志愿者联盟关爱自闭症

发表于 2016-3-24 11:34:46 | 显示全部楼层
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