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发表于 2016-1-25 14:20:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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Parents Seek HelpRecognizing Dyslexia in Child with Autism


来源:http://www.autismspeaks.org/blog ... slexia-child-autism

Friday,November 22, 2013View Comments


“How earlyis too early to recognize dyslexia in a child withautism?”


Today’s “GotQuestions?” answer is from Micah Mazurek, a clinical psychologistin the Thompson Center for Autism & NeurodevelopmentalDisorders. The Thompson Center is a member of the Autism SpeaksAutism Treatment Network (AS-ATN), and Dr. Mazurek serves as theco-chair of the AS-ATN Behavioral Science Committee.


This is areally great question – and one that many parents and professionalshave. Before answering it directly, I’d like to provide somebackground on dyslexia.


Dyslexiaaffects approximately four to ten children in a hundred. The termrefers to difficulties with the basic components of reading. Thisincludes problems with decoding (sounding out words) and readingwords quickly and accurately. For children with dyslexia, theseskills are much lower than would be expected for their age andintellectual ability. The related terms “reading disorder” and“specific learning disorder” include broader reading and learningdifficulties. For some children, these may include problems withreading comprehension, or understanding the meaning of words andsentences.


On a verybasic level, dyslexia involves problems in “phonologicalawareness.” This refers to the ability to recognize the roles thatsounds play in speech. So it includes detecting rhyming words andthe beginning and ending sounds of words. It also includes beingaware of smaller sound units such as syllables and “phonemes” – thesmallest sound units. Children with dyslexia struggle with basicphonological processing, and this hampers their development ofearly reading skills.


When doesdyslexia become apparent?


Manychildren begin to develop phonological awareness during thepreschool years. At that time, they begin to understand that wordsare separate units. They also begin to understand how groups ofsounds can work together. Most children can recognize rhyming wordsby kindergarten. Through first grade, they learn to detectbeginning word sounds and blend sounds, as well as isolate soundsin words.


So earlyelementary school tends to be the critical time to notice andidentify problems in key reading skills – which may indicatedyslexia. When parents or teachers have such persistent concerns,they should contact a psychologist or neuropsychologist for acomprehensive evaluation. Other members of the evaluation team mayinclude a speech-language pathologist and educationalspecialists.  The results of the evaluation shouldguide the development of a highly personalized intervention planfor the child.


We stillhave a lot to learn about reading skills in children with autism.However, research to date suggests that children with autism arenot at increased risk for dyslexia.

In fact,many children with autism have excellent basic reading skills. Someeven have what we call “hyperlexia.” They learn to read at veryearly ages without being taught. However, many children with autism– even those with very advanced single-word reading skills – areweak in reading comprehension. In other words, they may be quicklyand accurately reading words without understanding what they’rereading.


Because manychildren with autism have problems with reading comprehension, it’sespecially important to help them to focus on understanding whatthey read. Parents can foster this skill by asking questions anddiscussing what they think about something they’ve read with theirchild.


In general,we want to be helping these children make connections between whatthey read and what they know. With your own child, I encourage youto choose books that connect to life experiences. Most of all –make it fun!


Thank youfor your question. I hope we can keep learning more about how tohelp children with autism become successful readers.


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转自:新浪微博 @ 豆苗计划志愿者联盟关爱自闭症


发表于 2016-5-24 16:10:06 | 显示全部楼层
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