How Do We StopFolks from Talking Past our Nonverbal Son?
来源:http://www.autismspeaks.org/blog ... t-our-nonverbal-son
Our son isnonverbal but understands perfectly what others are saying. How canwe help people understand this so they stop talking “around” him asif he’s not in the room. Even highly educated people like hisdoctors tend to do this. How can we help educate people?
Today’s “GotQuestions?” answer is by Lucia Murillo, Autism Speaks assistantdirector of education research
It’s commonto encounter the lack of understanding you describe. This isparticularly the case when it comes to recognizing thatcommunication is more than just speech. A person’s language abilityencompasses both “expressive” and “receptive” language.
Expressivelanguage involves communicating one’s feelings, wants and needs toothers. Receptive language is the ability to understand what othersare communicating.
Importantly – and I think this isthe point you’re struggling to convey to the people in your son’slife – a lack of expressive language does not mean that a personlacks receptive language skills. Receptive language skills varygreatly among nonverbal individuals affected by autism.
I sympathize that it can bediscouraging to have to repeatedly explain this to other people. Soit’s great that you seem to welcome the opportunity to educateothers. I hope I can provide some help.
Let’s startwith a little more about expressive and receptivelanguage.
Expressivelanguage – not just words
Autism caninvolve difficulty with both verbal and non-verbal expressivelanguage. However, many nonverbal individuals with autism learn touse gestures and pictures to communicate their needs andinterests.
Receptivelanguage – understanding others
Sowhile it can be frustrating to deal with this lack of understandingon a regular basis, here are some strategies to help turn theseencounters into teachable moments.
1. Be calmbut direct. Politely inform those who start to talk “around” yourson that he can understand language and that you prefer that theyspeak directly to him and include him in theconversation.
2. Create apersonal profile sheet. In it, describe your child and what youwant people to understand about him. Give this sheet toprofessionals who work regularly with your child. Keep a few handyto share, as needed, in situations as they come up in your son’sdaily life.
3. Become anadvocate for your child – and all those with autism – in yourcommunity. Consider participating in school parent groups and othercommunity organizations where you can spread autism awareness. Helpothers understand the special strengths and challenges that comewith being on the autism spectrum.
4. Remindyourself that most people mean well. However, most won’t understandthat they’re not relating to your son appropriately unless youshare your insights. Don’t be shy about proactively addressingquestions that people might be embarrassed to ask. If you do so ina positive manner, I think you’ll be contributing to bettercommunication – for everyone involved – in the future.
Thanks againfor your question. Please let us know how things are going in thecomment section below or by emailing us again atgotquestions@autismspeaks.org.
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